Welcome to the Pattenden Family

Home Page


I am in the process of putting together a small family history and would like anyone with stories or pictures to get in touch with me. Right now I am concentrating on the Canadian part of the family, but all information is most welcome. My email address is at the bottom of the page.

All links open in a new browser window

Here is an Adobe file for the Pattenden's. Be warned it's very large . . . . over 1,000 pages!
Pattenden Family Tree
If you need Adobe reader, it is free at


One of our relatives has a group on facebook at Facebook ... Why not join in?


Visit the Pattenden One Name Society Page: Pattenden One Name Studies

Check out cousin Roger's website. He sells card models and has one of Pattyndenne Manor. You can visit him here

I use Family Tree Maker 2017 for my family tree. You can purchase it from www.genealogy.com

updated Dec 30, 2020
